September - Grateful Giver and Receiver of Abundance : Peace in the Puzzle

September - Grateful Giver and Receiver of Abundance

by Susan Myhre Hayes on 09/27/12

September - Grateful Giver and Receiver of Abundance



On a recent visit to the Farmers’ Market, the overflowing bins of squash, pumpkins, peppers and beets were proof of the abundance of a great harvest. Proof that the collaborative universe provides what each of us needs to thrive. 


But, there is evidence of the abundance of the universe everywhere, not just at the Farmers’ Market.  A wealth of goodness and unlimited potential are always available to me and to each of us.  Time spent enjoying interesting people, reading wonderful books or walking around my favorite lake are some of the ways I experience this abundance. I am a grateful receiver of this great harvest of abundance provided regularly by the collaborative universe. 


There was, however, a time when I was not convinced of this abundance, and I had a scarcity mind set. I worried about getting what I needed and wanted, and believing there was only so much good stuff to go around, resented the perceived abundance of others.  I was not a good partner in the collaboration.


 I grew tired of worry and resentment; I decided to become a better partner to the universe.


I intentionally changed my outlook by using this affirmation: There is more than enough good stuff to go around; therefore, I delight in the success of others as well as my own.


As I began to believe what I was saying in this affirmation, I began to see that there is enough good stuff for everyone and that the universe provides everything we need to learn and grow on our journey to our intended selves.  I was able to give to others more freely, knowing that there would always be enough for me.  When I gave more to others, abundance flowed naturally back to me. 


I now consciously keep abundance flowing in large and small ways.  Sometimes I can point out abundance in another person’s life and directly tell them how delighted I am in their success.  Sharing in their abundance multiplies the abundance that I experience.  I also keep abundance flowing in less obvious ways.  I ride an elevator several times a day, and I always send a wish for abundance to my fellow elevator riders.  I keep the good stuff flowing.


The cooperative universe wants each of us to experience abundance, and it provides an endless supply.


I am filled with gratitude and serenity in the assurance of the unlimited supply of abundance.  I resolve to never dwell on the appearance of lack or limitation but to think, speak and live as a grateful giver and receiver of abundance.  























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 Peace in the Puzzle
                                     Becoming your Intended Self
Susan Myhre Hayes
Susan is passionate aobut each of us becoming out best self no matter what our challenges.  
In her engaging and blog, Best Self, she continues the conversation about self-transformation and intentional change begun in her book.