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May 2013 Blog - How Do I Get Myself Into These Situations?

by Susan Myhre Hayes on 05/15/13

How Do I Get Myself Into These Situations?


I saw a cartoon today that made me both smile and think – a nice combination.

The scene is King Kong at the top of the Empire State Building with the captured girl in hand and planes flying around his head.  The caption,” How do I get myself into these situations?”

Most of us have asked this question at one time or another.  I certainly have.  We find ourselves in situations that are difficult, dangerous, too risky; you pick the adjective that fits for you.  A situation that sets us in the wrong direction.  A situation that gets us off track somehow.

During my 60th year, I made four large changes in my life and transformed myself into the person I was always intended to be.  How?  By keeping my eye on the goal.  By keeping my focus on the outcome I desired.

Reminding myself that drinking prevented me from completing my book, and keeping my focus on that desired outcome allowed me to stop drinking.  It really was that easy.  As one of the voices of wisdom said when asked what advice they would give to their younger self, “Obstacles are things you see when you take your eye off the goal.”

So, how did King Kong get himself into the situation at the top of the building?  The question isn’t really, How do I get myself into these situations?  The question is , How do I not get into such a situation again.

Decide the direction you want your life to go and then keep your focus on that goal.  Use affirmations to remind yourself of the goal and that you can achieve it.  Something like, “It is easy for me to find and fulfill my purpose in life.”  Remember to say it often and say it like you mean it.

Would King Kong have been on the top of the building swatting planes if his goal was clearly in his mind.  I think not.

Where is your focus?


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 Peace in the Puzzle
                                     Becoming your Intended Self
Susan Myhre Hayes
Susan is passionate aobut each of us becoming out best self no matter what our challenges.  
In her engaging and blog, Best Self, she continues the conversation about self-transformation and intentional change begun in her book.